Screening of Filial Party brought to you by STEL and Media Hub

On 17th December 2014, the MDIS School of Technology and E-Learning – in conjunction with the School of Media and Communications, Media Hub – organized an exclusive screening of the movie “Filial Party”.  Directed by Mr Boris Boo (a local film maker who had trained under renowned local director Jack Neo), the film was a clever blend of slapstick comedy and melodrama that proved to be well-received by the students.

After the screening, attendees were privileged to be able to meet and speak with Mr Boo.  Candidly fielding questions about his experience as a film maker in Singapore, how he got into the industry, and his experience working with some of Singapore’s A-list artistes, Mr Boo proved to be just as funny and delightful as his movie.  It was a great experience for the students, and we would like to thank Mr Boo for taking the time out of his busy schedule for this event.